As West Germany: (1)
German national football team
Original jersey colors: white, red, yellow, black one
Other color jersey: red, balck, white and yellow
Nickname: "die Nationalmannschaft (national team)," nationalelf die "(the national eleven)
Confederation: UEFA (Union of European Football Associations, Union of European Football Associations)
Kansallis keskusjärjestön:
DFB (Deutscher Fussball-Bund, allemande Fédération de football)
Torneio: UEFA Europeia Campionati
Títulos obtenidos: Copa del Mundo 1954, 1974, 1990
MS 1972, 1980, 1996
Medaille d'or olympique 1976
Medalla de plata en Olímpica 1980
Bronzo olimpico nel 1964, 1988
The main players: Franz Beckenbauer, Oliver Bierhoff, Paul Breitner, Andreas Brehmer, Karlheinz Förster, Thomas Hassler, Helmut Haller, Dietmar Hamann, Oliver Kahn, Jurgen Klinsmann, Jürgen Kohler, Pierre Littbarski, Sepp Maier, Lothar Matthäus, Andreas Möller, Gerd Müller Günter Netzer, Wolfgang Overath, Helmut Rahn, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, Matthias Sammer, Mehmet Scholl, Harald "Toni" Schumacher, Bernd Schuster, Uwe Seeler, Toni Turek, Berti Vogts, Rudi Voller, Fritz Walter, Wolfgang Weber
World Cup Information:
World Cup is organized in: 1974 and 2006
World Cup Appearances: (18)
As Germany: (2)
1934, third place
1938, lost 1 / 8 final
As West Germany: (10)
1954, Champion
1958, fourth place
1962, defeated LOR shifts
1966, second place
1970, third place
1974 Champion
1978, Lost in Second Round
1982, second place
1986, The Second
1990 Champion
As Germany DR: (1)
1974, Lost in Second Round
When Germany (4):
1994, lost in quarterfinals
1998 Lost in Quarterfinals
2002 Second Place
Kolm 2006 sija
2010, third place
World Cup absences: (2)
As in Germany: (1)
1930, GIK ikke ind
As West Germany: (1)
1950, did not enter